Saturday, October 20, 2012


सिमपल रंगोली
  1. Choose the size of black paper you wish to use. You will want a piece of paper large enough to allow some intricacy, but not so large as to turn your Rangoli into an overly long project.  
  2. Decide what kind of design you want. Most designs are symmetrical patterns, and are based on drawings    of animals or plants. Flowers are very popular. Search online for designs, or look for a library book on Indian craft.
  3. Sketch the design on your paper in pencil. Sketch lightly so that you can erase if needed.
  4. When you are happy with your design, finalize the outline using white chalk. This is a crucial step for beginners, though more experienced Rangoli makers often skip it. 
  5. Fill in your design with colored chalk. This is the most interesting step, and usually the most fun. Use as many colors as you like. 
  6. Display proudly. Pin somewhere that many people will see it, such as in your doorway, hall or kitchen.

सिमपल रंगोली

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